We’ve been listening to car renters to understand what they dislike about hiring a car. The stress of complicated products with confusing pricing, and the fear of unexpected charges along with uncertainty are what is hated the most. This got us thinking about how we could end car hire anxiety.
This thought led to Avis Inclusive, now available on car rentals where you are. It makes car rental simple and stress free.
– Remove the fear of unexpected charges and uncertainty. Avis Inclusive means you no longer need to worry about the fear of unexpected charges should any mishaps happen. And with car hire including zero excess cover and premium roadside assistance as standard, if you lose the keys, get a flat battery, find a chip in the windscreen, or the car is stolen you are covered.
– Clear, transparent prices. Be confident that there will be nothing else to pay, right from the start with one upfront cost at the point of booking.
– No stressful, long-winded conversations about liability. We know conversations about cover and liability are not fun and we don’t like having them either. With Avis Inclusive those conversations aren’t needed as we’re both covered, so can get you on the road quicker.
One upfront cost for the car and cover
Save up to 25% on zero excess cover
Free premium roadside assistance
Remove the worry about damage charges
No need to discuss cover at the counter
Avis Inclusive car hire includes our comprehensive cover product, offering zero excess, discounted by up to 25% versus buying your car and cover elements individually. Saving you money and the hassle.
We only say ‘up to a 25% discount’ because occasionally the discount could be slightly less or slightly more than 25%. Car hire is a competitive game, so we monitor the market throughout the day to give you our very best prices. So while our super computer is busy crunching these numbers, the 25% discount on the cover products may lag when online prices change. We thought we’d be upfront about that.
To get started, simply search for all inclusive car hire at your location of choice.
Standard Avis Terms and Conditions apply.
Avis Inclusive is not available for van rentals.
Renter must meet Avis age, driver and credit requirements, otherwise a daily surcharge may apply.
Avis Inclusive is available at participating locations only.
Avis Inclusive is subject to availability and subject to change without notice.
Avis Inclusive may not be used in conjunction with any other coupon, promotion, discount or offer.
Avis Inclusive is available for Pay Online only (it is not available for Pay On Collection)
The up-to-25% discount applies the separate / standalone prices of included products only (Super Collision Damage Waiver, Super Theft protection and Windscreen Cover).
Car hire is a competitive game, so we monitor the market throughout the day to give you our very best rates. So while our super computer is busy crunching these numbers, the 25% discount on the cover products may lag when online prices change. Therefore the discount could be higher or lower than our 25% target. We thought we’d be upfront.
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? Reserveringsvoorwaarden zijn de voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op de reservering. Ze bevatten informatie over annuleringen, no-shows en over wat u moet meenemen als u uw voertuig komt ophalen. Specifieke Locatievoorwaarden hebben betrekking op het land of de verhuurlocatie waar u uw voertuig huurt en bevatten onder meer specifieke informatie over zaken zoals leefijdseisen. Algemene huurvoorwaarden zijn de voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn als u een voertuig huurt, zoals uw verplichtingen aan ons en onze verplichtingen aan u.